Resources for Sale
Whether you're new to welding or a seasoned professional, Miller's educational materials are designed to meet your welding information needs.
Select from a variety of interactive CD's, informative books, training videos, welding calculators, and training packages - all
designed to have you welding like a pro and increasing productivity in no time!
Most items will be shipped within 24 hours. If you prefer, you can also order your educational tools by calling us at 920-735-4356.
Shipping and handling charges are already included in all prices.

Miller Training Systems is the best source for workshops about the welding industry and new welding technology.
Now, the insight and expert advice that's provided in workshops comes to you on compact disks.
Introduction to Welding - CD $29.95
An interactive program created to build welding knowledge step-by-step, leading to "hands-on" welding.
Also acts as a great refresher course for "non-welders" including purchasing agents, administrative assistants, service technicians and clerical personnel.
Process sections on Stick, MIG, TIG and plasma cutting include: Process description, Equipment components and controls.
Surviving Behind the Counter - CD $29.95
This CD is specifically designed as a foundation course for those who are new to this industry.
Still, even experienced people will get new and useful information.
The topics covered include a general overview of welding processes - TIG, MIG, Stick and Plasma Cutting, as well as counter sales skills for
inside sales reps, customer service agents and route drivers. Once you've mastered the fundamentals, the CD offers you the opportunity to become
certified, demonstrating to yourself and other that you're an expert.
TIG Fundamentals - CD $29.95
This CD is for anyone who's looking for a better understanding of the TIG process.
Easy to understand instruction. Proven teaching steps. Expert advice. All these factors help to create a more effective academic approach to training.
Specific subject areas covered are: system components, process fundamentals, electrical theory, safety and power source operation. |
MIG Fundamentals - CD $29.95
This CD is the cost-effective answer for anyone who needs to know more about MIG welding.
It has all the excellent features of the TIG CD but focuses on the MIG process instead.
Specific subject areas covered are: system components, process fundamentals, electrical theory, safety and power source operation. |
Sales Development Workshop - CD $29.95
This CD has been produced for sales professionals in the welding industry.
But the program can help anyone involved in selling for a welding distributor. From route drivers and telesales to counter and outside sales.
This programs will teach people how to: 1.) Learn more about the customer and get information that can create a more effective presentation;
2.) Present product information so the customer understand the value of the your recommendation and is motivated to buy from you;
3.) Handle customer resistance during the sale; and 4.) Successfully close the sale. |
Most items will be shipped within 24 hours. If you prefer, you can also order your educational tools by calling us at 920-735-4356. Shipping and handling charges are already included in all prices.
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The extensive list of Miller videos has something for everyone.
By building you own Miller video library, you will be ready for any occasion that requires information about welding.
Technical Training Videos
Arc Welding Methods - Video $40.00
A general overview of the four most common welding processes in use: Stick, MIG, TIG and Submerged Arc.
Topics covered in the program include what these four major processes have in common, as well as how they
differ, and where they are used. (24 min)
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG) - Video $40.00
An excellent entry level video on the most versatile of welding processes.
The importance of weld current polarity is explained with the use of easy-to-understand graphics.
Tungsten electrodes, shielding gases, and weld preparation are also examined. (18 min)
GMAW Set-up Procedures - Video $20.00
Deltaweld® power source and S-62 wire feeder are used in this detailed demonstration of procedures
common in setting up a MIG welding system including shielding gas, flowmeter, and threading wire. (12 min)
GMAW Transfer - Video $20.00
The short circuit, globular, spray and pulsed spray transfers are demonstrated in real time and super slow motion.
Correct parameters and shielding gas types for each transfer are also discussed.(8 min)
GTAW Set-up Procedures - Video $20.00
A detailed demonstration on preparing your equipment for TIG welding.
Uses a Syncrowave®250 power source, but the topic fits any TIG setup including air-or water- cooled systems.
In depth discussion of tungsten's and gases. (13 min)
Plasma Cutting & Gouging - Video $20.00
Describes the plasma process and gives you practical "how - to" information.
Equipment setup, consumable needs and care, and setting the machine for cutting are covered.
Steps you through cutting and gouging procedures for steel, stainless, and aluminum, using the Miller Spectrum Series.
Pulsed MIG Welding Training System - Video $125.00
A pulsed MIG training system designed with the industrial end-user in mind. The system could also easily fit into and existing tech.
school curriculum as an advanced module. The titles of the four tapes are 1 - What is Pulsed Welding?
2 - Pulsed MIG process variables 3 - Pulsed MIG equipment & setup 4 - Pulsed MIG operator techniques.
When the entire system is ordered, it comes with a GMAW - P booklet, 50- question exam, and registered answer card.
For a $5.00 fee, the exam answer card can be filled out and mailed back to MILLER.
If the sender answers 70% of the questions correctly, Miller will send back either a certificate of completion, or another answer card.
Also see Connecting Miller Pulsing Equipment.
Pulsed MIG Welding Training System No.1 - Video $35.00 - What is Pulsed Welding?
Pulsed MIG Welding Training System No. 2 - Video $35.00 - Pulsed MIG process variables.
Pulsed MIG Welding Training System No. 3 - Video $35.00 - Pulsed MIG equipment & setup.
Pulsed MIG Welding Training System No. 4 - Video $35.00 - Pulsed MIG operator techniques.
Pulsed MIG No. 5 - Video $35.00 - Connecting Miller Pulsing Equipment.
Pulsed MIG No. 6 - Video $35.00 - Pulsed MIG with the S-64.
Short Ckt. Metal Transfer - Video $40.00 The perfect video for the stick welder who is ready to make the transition
to wire welding. This program examines how a wire and shielding gas accomplish the same work as a stick electrode. Basic MIG welding
equipment is examined and some basic " HOW TO" information about common joints is discussed.
Using a Load Bank - Video $20.00 How to make use of a most versatile machine to perform a variety of tests on
static and engine driven welding generators.
Most items will be shipped within 24 hours. If you prefer, you can also order your educational tools by calling us at 920-735-4356. Shipping and handling charges are already included in all prices.
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Weld Calculators
When you need an answer "right now" about parameters for welding, nothing is faster than Miller calculators.
Calculators cover all the bases, and tune you into the thickness of material being welded.
Most items will be shipped within 24 hours. If you prefer, you can also order your educational tools by calling us at 920-735-4356. Shipping and handling charges are already included in all prices.
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Welding Process Books
Informative books covering the fundamentals and more for MIG Welding, Pulsed MIG Welding, and TIG Welding.
Everyone needs the proper resources to answer their questions, and these books do the job.
See also: FREE Books & Pamphlets available for download.
GMAW (MIG) - Welding Publication $25.00 A comprehensive text on all aspects of the GMAW process. Hundreds of illustrations are used
to help describe the fundamentals of GMAW, metal transfer modes, equipment, electrode wires, shielding gas, joint design
and weld symbols, preparation, GMAW applications, spot, plug, slot welding, various welding positions, weld defects,
troubleshooting, cost considerations and safety. Also included is a glossary of terms and tables to aid in selecting parameters.
142 pages (perfect bound) - 8 1/2" x 11" |
GMAW-P (Pulsed MIG) - Welding Publication $5.00 Covers the fundamentals of this rapidly emerging GMAW transfer.
Illustrations and photos show basic theory and equipment used for pulsing. Discusses electrodes, gases, and techniques used.
Illustrates by charts how to change the arc for the proper weld bead needed. Provides hints on what applications would require
synergic, adaptive-synergic, or manual pulse controls. 21 pages - 8 1/2" x 11" |
GTAW (TIG) - Welding Publication $25.00 An all inclusive study of the fundamentals of this widely used process as well as concise and practical
information on techniques used to produce a good weld. This is a well illustrated comprehensive text that contains a wide range of
information on closely related subjects such as joint design, weld symbols, weld defects, troubleshooting, and safety.
An in depth glossary is included as well as numerous tables to aid in selecting parameters. 84 pages (perfect bound) - 8 1/2" x 11" |
Most items will be shipped within 24 hours. If you prefer, you can also order your educational tools by calling us at 920-735-4356. Shipping and handling charges are already included in all prices.
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Training Packages
Miller's training packages provide everything instructors need to effectively teach welding techniques,
and everything students need to learn the tools of the trade. Each package comes complete with videos, student text, and instructor's package.
Miller Instructor Training Package
Miller Instructor Package $35.00
"The Educational Instructors Package"
- 13 Miller reference books
- Universal safety symbol poster
- 3 Miller Calculators
- Miller's Career video "Heavy Metal/Hot Careers in Welding".
The poster and video were developed for instructors to educate students on welding programs along with the range of
opportunities in the welding field.
- Free subscription to Applied Welding Magazine.
Miller Student Training Package
Miller Student Package $25.00
- Set of 13 Miller reference books
- 3 Miller Calculators
- Free Jacket Offer
Most items will be shipped within 24 hours. If you prefer, you can also order your educational tools by calling us at 920-735-4356. Shipping and handling charges are already included in all prices.
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